Civil War General William Tecumseh Sherman once coined the phrase ‘War is Hell”. And certainly, the Civil War proved that point as it has the most losses of any of the Wars – with over 600,000+. When it comes to the Vietnam War, with its losses of over 58,000+, it was very different on many levels – many would say it was hell of steroids.
You have to wonder at times what keeps a soldier going during war or what did they do when not in combat? Some answers may be letters or phone calls from home – family, friends, sweethearts. Maybe just a photograph pinned to the wall or tucked away in a wallet. Or maybe it was a memory of someone close that they painted on the side of their aircraft that kept them going?
Or how about one those very rare occurrences when home came to the soldier? That’s precisely what the Bob Hope USO shows did from the time of WWII to Vietnam to the Gulf War – he brought smiling faces of home to the field to entertain the men and women of our military.
Our presentation today will highlight Bob Hope’s USO shows and share with you a personal experience from someone we know who served in Vietnam and attended one of these shows.
From there, we’re headed to Port Clinton, Ohio to the Liberty Aviation Museum to take a ride aboard The Yankee Air Museum’s UH-1H Huey Helicopter, one of the most familiar aircraft of the Vietnam era and where it and its pilot have both seen combat during the war.
So fasten your seatbelt and hold on as we explore on this episode of History and Relics.
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